Woopie Town™

The game where you break barriers, build access and gain profits.
Pssst...! Just like the real world!

Woopie Town is a board game where you buy properties and make them accessible for other players who each have a disability. When other players land on your property and are able to use your facilities then it’s your win otherwise a penalty. The player with the most fully accessible properties wins the game.


Game Board
A Dice


Physically Challenged

This token represents a disability that is physical and can be catered through the following token on all properties.

Hearing Impaired

This token represents disability that is from loss of hearing and can be catered through the following token on all properties.

Visually Impaired

This token represents disability that is from loss of sight and can be catered through the following token on all properties.

Intellectually Impaired

This token represents disability that is due to intellectual or emotional impairment and can be catered through the following token on all properties.

Accessibility tokens and their prices:

Tokens can be bought from the ministry during a player´s turn.


Each player starts the game here.
Get 100 Woopies every time you land on it.

This is the broadcasting property and gives opportunities through the Woolala cards to influence the Town.

If you land on it. You get 10 Woopies.

This is the Blessings property and gives opportunities through the Woolala cards to bless the Town. If you land on this property. You have to deposit 10 Woopies.

(Money can be piled up on the side)

If you land on it with the Religious Centre Card. You can take the money.

This is the Mayor´s office where all decisions are made. If you land on this property you get 10 Woopies.

All remaining 24 properties are open to purchase.


Woolala event deck cards are to be picked when players land on the Woolala spot. Don’t forget to shout, ‘Woolala!!!!’ when you pick a card to invoke your good luck. 

No of Woolala Cards: 34

Woolala Spot

how to play

1. Each player can pick their player and place on the Start.

2. Before starting each player gets: 1100 Woopies as money from the Ministry and 8 accessibility tokens of their choice to make their properties accessible

3. Roll the dice and move the player to land on a property.

4. Properties can be bought along with Tokens from the ministry to make them accessible as players go along. Tip: Buy the properties before they run out!

5. If a player lands on a Property they can:

Vacant property:

Purchase the Property and OR apply any number of Tokens present or purchase them from the ministry. This can be done on one or more number of properties that they own


Land on another player´s property. If it’s accessible for you. Pay the Landing Toll


Land on another player´s property. If it’s not accessible for you.

Receive a Penalty from them

Land on own purchased property.

If accessibility matches your own disability. Get 10 Woopie from Ministry

If accessibility does not match your OWN disability token. Pay Penalty to Ministry

6. During their own turn, a player can buy or use none or all their tokens throughout their properties. Players cannot remove tokens from one property once placed.

7. If a player lands on a Woolala Card, they can pick a card to carry out the task. Woolala Cards cannot be used again and must be returned to the ministry after the task is carried out or if otherwise said so. If the cards finish, the Ministry can shuffle all the cards to place in the deck. This does not apply to the cards that players are supposed to keep


Property: If tokens are less than needed to complete accessibility needs on the board, then all tokens of that accessibility should be off-property until the number of tokens is complete. For example, if a property needs two tokens to be accessible to the visually impaired player then one token for the access cannot be placed and only two tokens can be placed together to mark the property as accessible.